The information below will shed light on the mystery which is electricity pricing and the contributing factors which influence prices.
Electricity supply chain
Generators are responsible for the production of electricity through coal fired power stations, gas power stations and wind turbines.
Networks, such as transmission and distribution, are responsible for delivery of electricity through pylons, poles and wires.
Retailers or electricity companies are responsible for management and invoicing of accounts.
Community Energy Network
On-sellers or community energy network service providers purchase electricity from a retailer and on-sell electricity to individual supply points acting as the retailer within an on-supplied network.
The end customer who uses electricity in their homes or businesses.
What determines my electricity price?
Each step in the supply of electricity to your premise contributes to the cost you pay. WINconnect, as an community energy network operator, purchases electricity from a retailer and on-sells to end-users within the community energy network.
WINconnect operates under strict rules governed by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) and in Victoria, the Essential Services Commission. Tariffs charged to WINconnect customers are shadow priced, meaning you are charged no more than the standard published rate of the default energy retailer for your area. The below table provides an approximate breakdown of the components which make up your bill; this information has been sourced from the Australian Energy Market Commission’s website.
Why have my rates changed?
The main reason for the variation of rates is due to increases in the cost of purchasing and supplying electricity.
We will adjust rates relevant to the changes in the market with written notice to you as soon as practicably possible including the date from which the change to the rates will be effective.
Price reviews can be conducted up to twice yearly. In NSW, QLD and SA, price changes usually occur in July and in Victoria, changes usually occur in January although changes are not limited to these times.
What if I’m having difficulty paying my invoices?
We understand that from time to time, customers may have trouble paying their bills. We are here to help, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss our flexible payment options such as a short term payment extension or view our hardship program for support available to eligible customers.
WINconnect Customer Service: 1300 791 970 (Australia), +61 3 9832 0000 (Outside Australia) 8am-5pm (AEST).
How can I reduce my energy costs?
We can arrange to probe your meter at your request for no charge, once every 12 months. This will provide interval data which we can review to help understand usage trends such as times and days with high consumption.
Click this link to see a ‘High Bill Checklist’, this list may assist in explaining why your invoice is higher than expected. The information contained within this checklist is a guide only and individual circumstances may vary.
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Our friendly Customer Service team are happy to assist.